Here’s the itinerary for the Sports-a-Rama on Friday, August 12. We apologize for the short notice and it not being on the calendar, but we just found out about it the other day. Please make sure your student has eaten a good meal before they come to the school at 5:30PM since we are not sure if they will get an extended break or not. In case there is a break, you may want to send money with them to get something from the concession stand.
Sports-A-Rama Itinerary
Friday August 12, 2016
5:30pm – Call Time
Students should arrive with their band polos/khaki shorts/white socks and white shoes on)
5:45 – Walk
6:00 – Warm up on practice field
6:30-9pm – In the Stands
9:00 – Walk back to band hall (Announcements en-route)
9:30 – Band hall closes