All hands on deck!! Family Fun Day on Saturday 9/27

It’s time to let us know what you would like to do to assist with the Family Fun Day on September 27th. The sign up for workers has been posted in Charms. There are “as needed” spaces as well if you are not sure where your interests lie. All students are expected to assist in some capacity that day and the band will be performing “Night of the Red Dragon” in the stadium at 4:00pm.

While the event does not “begin” until 7:00am, there is plenty to do to prepare before that. Tables will need to be hauled out to the parking lot and set up for vendors, EZ up tents will need to be put in place for the rummage sale, bake sale & BBQ, children’s activities will need to be set up, etc. A good number of folks will be needed as early as 6:00.

If you are bringing items for the bake sale, please have them pre-packaged. Cookies can be placed 2 to a baggie, good-sized brownies can be packaged individually, etc. We will need pieces of cakes or pies, but we will also need some whole items for our “Cake Walk” activity. Contact Laura Murray at if you have additional questions.

Donations for the Rummage Sale items must be brought the morning of the event…..the earlier the better as folks will be ready to shop at 7:00. Please have your items priced to sell!

This is going to be a fun event……and a great opportunity for the band to reach out to the community! General questions can be directed to Bill Miller at or

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!

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