Friday, October 31st, is our annual Senior Night, where we will be recognizing all
seniors in the marching band. This should be a special night for our seniors, one
they will want to enjoy with their families. We are inviting all the parents and
family members to join us this evening to escort your senior child on the field.
Please dress appropriately for this occasion. Please invite friends and family that
you wish to share in this special occasion as well.
Please report to the end zone by the field house on the home side of the stadium
at the beginning of the 2nd quarter. A booster parent will be managing the line up
procedure to ensure a smooth introduction. The field announcer will be
introducing your senior along with the family members accompanying them.
You will then walk to the center of the football field where the student will be
presented a gift from the band boosters and be congratulated by Mr. Barfield,
Mr. Berry, and other school officials. After the recognitions, your family will be
photographed with Mr. Barfield or Mr. Berry, and a school official.
If you should have any questions or last minute concerns, please don’t hesitate to
contact me at 803-821-5411, or
If your child is a senior, please take use this form to provide information about your senior’s particular achievements. We will use some of this information during the recognition ceremony.