Reminders: Fruit Money Due, Chaperone Still Needed, Concessions Workers Needed

Fruit Money Due

Just a quick reminder that Strawberry & Pineapple orders are due on Monday, March 2nd……that is this coming Monday. Please seal your order form and money in the envelope you were provided, be sure your name is on it and turn it into the silver box in the band room. Fruit will be delivered on Thursday the 12th.


Chaperone Still Needed

We still need one more chaperone as a back up for the Winter Guard and Percussion Invitational in Walterboro this Saturday Feb. 28.


Concessions Workers Needed

We are scheduled to work the outdoor grill by the Bi-Lo Berm for this Sunday March 1st.  This game is against Clemson and could be quite profitable.  We need 6 people to work the grill.  You must be 16 or older to work.  Please check your schedules and sign up.  Call time is 8:30am.

We are also scheduled to work Sunday March 8 – call time is 10 am. Please check Charms.  Baseball events can add several thousand dollars to our account each month of the season.  Working these events can qualify you to earn money in your student’s accounts for May payout or to build money toward next year’s fees.

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