Attention! All band members and band families. The annual Band Banquet is only a few weeks away, on May 21st. This event is a wonderful way to celebrate the year and everything the students have achieved. You do not want to miss this event!
A reminder that in order to attend the band banquet, each member must have their band fees paid in full. The band boosters provide the banquet for free to all band and guard members, but only if their fees are completely paid.
Please check your Charms account and take care of any outstanding fees that you still might owe. If you need another way to earn money towards these fees, we are currently in the middle of a new fundraiser activity, called the Laundry Mama Fundraiser. Order forms are available in the band room. Orders for this fundraiser are due on May 13th.
Thank you for your attention to this issue!!!!
Mr. Barfield