Fruit/Wreath Sales Due Today!!!
Please turn in your fruit and wreath order forms (with payment!) today. We are running close to the wire on timing so it is very important these forms are turned in on time. Remember, all of the profit from this sale goes to student accounts.
Band Booster Meeting Tonight!!!
Please make every effort to attend. The meeting begins promptly at 6:30pm in the band room.
Winter Percussion
Regular rehearsals of the winter percussion begin next week. They
rehearse every Tuesday and Thursday from 5-8 pm. If you could put this
on the calendar, that would be great!
Region Band Audition Fees
Also, there are still several students that owe their Region Band
audition fee of $10.00.They should bring that in ASAP, directly to Mr.
Chaperones Needed
WKHS vs. LHS this Friday night.
We have a few slots open for Chaperones. Sign up in Charms!
Photos Available Soon
Photos from all events and official student photos are in the process of edit and upload to the photo gallery. You can order printed copies from there, with all proceeds benefiting the band program. Click the Photo Gallery link under Quick Links to see the photos that are already out there.