CenterPlate concessions this weekend

Happy Friday! 
We are in desperate need of volunteers for the USC basketball
games this weekend.  Saturday's arrival time is 9:30 am and 
10 am for Sunday.  Please sign up in Charms. I realize some of you are 
involved in the Winter Ensemble and will be at rehearsal 
Saturday  - but parents, siblings,  friends of those students 
and band family not in Winter Ensemble please consider volunteering. 
We are in the Flat Iron Grill  Saturday and need at a least 
15 volunteers to make it through the day. 
Our ability to earn during February and March will be compromised 
by the Winter competition schedule, so we really need to make
both games this weekend. If transportation is  problem for Saturday
let Tammy know at 
Thanks for supporting this fundraiser and our band program
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