The Volunteer Slots for our Fall Silver Showcase on Saturday, September 23, 2017 are now up on Charms! Many hands make LIGHT and FUN work! We need all of you to make this a successful event. If we put on a fantastic competition and make this be what it can be, this event can be our greatest money maker for the band budget. This will also be a great test run for our hosting of the SCBDA 2A/4A Lower State Championship on October 21, 2017, which will be an even bigger event. Please sign up to come out and join the experience! Descriptions of every volunteer slot are listed below at the end of this post. If you have any questions about them, please feel free to email us at
Volunteers should wear their WK Gear. We will begin setting up at 12 pm. The first band will perform at 5 pm. Awards will be at 8:45. We hope to have everything cleaned up with stadium and band hall lights off at 10:30. As we get closer to the event and the finer details are finalized, we will get that information out to the group.
We will have a Silver Showcase meeting every Tuesday from here until the competition. These meetings will be at 6:30 pm, unless we have to make a change for any reason. Please keep an eye out for Facebook posts or on the Google Calendar. (Calendar links below.) Please come out to the meetings when you can for further information.
The WK Band Students will perform the National Anthem at 4:45 pm and their Exhibition will take place at 8:15 pm. Further information will be coming about when they’ll have to vacate their volunteer locations for those performances. The adults at their volunteer locations will have to adjust for their absence. I’ll work through this with each location once we have slots filled and know their final schedule.
Calendar Link for iPhone Users, click this link while reading this on your phone and click Subscribe when prompted:
Calendar Link for all other phone or computer users, click this link while reading this email on your phone or computer, the calendar will open in your browser app, bookmark the link for future use:
Again, please let me know if you have any questions about the volunteer slots below! Thank you!
-Nicole Blas –
Silver Showcase Volunteer Descriptions
Pre-Competition Setup
This includes putting out signage, setting up the canteen, prepping the stadium, etc. We will have a full list of these items on the day of to split amongst all of us there.
Band Registration – Angela Bernardo & Kathleen Branham
Bands will have staggered arrival times, starting at 2 pm and ending at 5 pm. There will be packets to hand them that will be explained as we get closer to time.
Hospitality – Sheri Marsden & Meg Woods (Leads)
Sheri & Meg will need help setting up and then cleaning/breaking down the different Hospitality Areas. Director’s Hospitality Tent will be near the visitor’s canteen. The Judges will be fed one meal in the school building before the competition.
Parking Lot Check-in – Buses / Trucks
Know the parking map for dedicated parking areas. As well as the flow/warm-up area maps to direct foot traffic to the proper location. (By the day of, we hope to have numbers/sizes of buses/trucks and should be able to have an exact parking location mapped out for everyone.)
Parking Stadium Lot
Know the parking map for dedicated parking areas. Direct vehicles to the correct locations. Keep an eye on empty spaces to direct vehicles to, know when to direct them to overflow. Know the flow/warm-up area maps to direct foot traffic to the proper location. Work with Sherriff’s department as needed for road traffic, especially at the end of the night. Keep parking lot clean as you go. Stay for cleanup. Students are to come back after they perform to help.
Parking Overflow Lot
As the first lot gets full, they will direct traffic to this overflow lot. This is overflow as needed, you may get buses, trucks or spectators. Buses should be located closest to the school. Keep an eye on empty spaces to direct vehicles to. Know the flow/warm-up area maps to direct foot traffic to the proper location. Keep parking lot clean as you go. Stay for cleanup. Students are to come back after they perform to help.
Band Ushers – 1 assigned to each band – Leadership or Alumni Only
Know the parking and flow/warm-up area maps. Know your assigned bands day’s schedule. Lead your assigned band from location to location. Current WK Band Leadership will be assigned bands that interfere the least with the National Anthem and Exhibition, the WK Band Alumni will be assigned those bands.
Adults along Pit/Props Route
Know the pit/prop crew route map. One should be near the top of the route at the parking lot to direct pit/prop crews along Platt Springs and down to Lexington Parkway. One should be near the bottom on Lexington Parkway near the gates to the field. This needs to be adults as you’ll be along the road.
Gym Dressing Rooms
The gym restrooms will be utilized as dressing rooms. We’ll need a band mom and a band dad on hand in these areas to help keep watch.
Trash/Custodian – Stadium & Warm-up Areas
Report to Ms. Jan Barker for direction. Trash cleanup throughout the day so there’s less cleanup at the end of the day. Keep an eye on trash containers and empty/re-bag as necessary. Stay for cleanup. Students are to come back after they perform to help.
Water Table – band route (1 table)
Be ready for when bands come off the field with filled water cups. Keep area clean as you go. Coordinate with Trash/Custodian Team when you need trash removed and new bags. Stay for cleanup and breakdown. Students are to come back after they perform to help.
Water Table – pit/props route (1 table)
Be ready for when pit/prop crews come off the field with filled water cups. Keep area clean as you go. Coordinate with Trash/Custodian Team when you need trash removed and new bags. Stay for cleanup and breakdown. Students are to come back after they perform to help.
Stadium Ushers – spectator control during band performances
Block off steps when a band is performing. Un-block after band starts moving off the field.
Security All Areas – stadium and parking
This position would be best suited for off-duty police in plain clothes or someone with security experience simply for the know-how in handling tough situations. Keep an eye on the crowd and look for potential security issues. Lexington County Sheriff’s Department will be on Platt Springs for the lane closure and could be called on in true emergencies. We will also have an EMS team at the field entrance.
Tabulation Runners
We have someone coming in with Tabulation experience to do that part, she will need runners to collect the recorders for her and to possibly run things to a 2nd location.
Ticket Sales
Sell Tickets! Spectators will be given colored event wristbands. Adults: $10; Any School’s Student w/ID: $6; Kids 3 and Younger: Free. We may do a ticket/program combo ticket, more details to come later. Know maps and the day’s schedule in case you get questions. Performing band students will have a wristband of a different color than spectators.
Program Sales
Sell Programs! The adult here should keep an eye on the students in Stadium Sales groups. As soon as we finalize the program, we’ll set a price. If programs aren’t selling, especially if it’s late in the day, we may adjust the pricing so let Heather Green know if they aren’t moving. Know maps and the day’s schedule in case you get questions.
Stadium Sales (Programs/Drinks)
Sell Programs and Bottled Drinks! Two-person teams. One carries drinks stocked from the canteen, one to handle money and sell programs. Move throughout the stadium and ask for people to buy programs and drinks.
Stadium Entrance Gate Attendants
Spectators will be given colored wristbands at the ticket booth. They will have to exit the stadium to visit the food vendors. Check everyone entering to make sure they have a wristband. Performing band students will have a wristband of a different color than spectators.
Performance Gate Attendants
One on either side. Help with the flow of the show. Be on hand to help pit/prop crews get on and off the field quickly.
Director’s Vote/Flowers/Wolfgram Table
Take votes for best band director, sell flowers, take wolfgram messages and payments and have a designated runner to get the wolfgram message to the announcer. This table will be located at the bottom of the press box in between the two Spirit Stores.
Canteen Workers
Cook and sell food! We’re only offering drinks and snacks at this competition. Keep the canteen clean as you go. Stay at the end for cleanup and breakdown. Students are to come back after they perform to help.