Less than a week until the Lower State 2A/4A Championship, which is Saturday, October 21st. Volunteer Slots have been added to the Charms Calendar.
Parents, Alumni, Siblings, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, the Band needs YOUR help to successfully host our first 2A/4A Lower State! Our success on this day will determine if we can continue to host this big event and make it a solid fundraiser for the bands bottom dollar year after year.
Band Students, you must work 2A volunteer slots only up until 3:30 pm. After that, Mr. Padgett will have a schedule for you to follow to prepare for your performance.
Please let me know if you have any questions at all or if you have any ideas of other groups we can reach out to for volunteering – wkbbfundraising@gmail.com.
Please see the descriptions below for each job and what it entails to make sure you understand what will be asked of you. These same descriptions are located on the Charms Calendar event.
Pre-Competition Set-up & Post Competition Breakdown – Adults/Students – Friday Evening, Saturday Early Morning & Saturday night.
This includes putting out signage, setting up the canteen and hospitality rooms, prepping the stadium and parking lot, water tables, etc. We will have a full list of these items that need to be done on each day to divide amongst all of the volunteers.
Students have to stay after the competition to help clean-up. Due to the nature of their schedule, they will get most of the day off, which means they can help our tired volunteers(their parents) get out quicker! Students will be assigned by Section to a Lead in each area to report to for direction. Students will be dismissed by this Lead once their area is put back to rights.
Band Registration Table – Angela & Kathleen Tent located about 50′ or so after the first parking lot split. Buses/trucks need room to pull all the way into the front lane so Spectators can turn to the left. And far enough away that the Parking Lot attendant can direct/answer general Spectator questions. Bands will have staggered arrival times. There will be packets to hand them with in depth competition information, including a map with pictures, schedule, Medallion Notice and Etiquette Guidelines. They have also already received these via email. Coordinate via walkie-talkie with the Bus / Truck Coordinator on the band’s arrival and the number and type of vehicles with them. As well as the Band Student Hand Stamper Coordinator so they can stamp students’ hands.
Their packets will also include their Staff Badges, Chaperone/Field Access armbands. As well as an additional armband for every bus driver. Per the SCBDA rules, each band is given 15 Chaperone/Field Access armbands, plus an additional armband for every 8 students after the first 100. (IE: 107 students, you get 15 armbands, 108 students, you get 16 armbands.) The number of students we’re using for this number of armbands was provided by the SCBDA. This number of students and the corresponding armbands in their packet will be noted on your sheet. You will have additional armbands in case a director says their actual number differs from the number given to us by the SCBDA.
Parking – Bus / Truck Coordinators – Bruce & Nick Martin Coordinate via walkie-talkie with the Registration Table for when buses and equipment trucks are pulling in. The Registration Table will direct them to your tent, you will guide them to their parking spaces as they come in. Know the parking map for dedicated parking areas. As well as the flow/warm-up area maps to direct foot traffic to the proper location. We have asked every band their number of buses and trucks, we have received almost all of these back now. This information will be provided to you. We’ll also coordinate with you to create an exact parking location mapped out for everyone Bands are scheduled to arrive 9am-1pm for 2A and then 3 pm-7pm for 4A, some may arrive in-between those times and/or out of their order. We have asked each band to also let us know when they plan to arrive. This person will still need to be available should someone show up early. Once all buses / trucks are parked, your job will mostly be over, but situations may still arise and you will be needed when it comes time to let all of the buses and trucks back out.
Bus Band Student Hand Stampers – 3 Lexington One Approved Chaperones Board the buses before students get off the bus and stamp only the band students’ hands for entry. While stamping the students’ hands, use the clicker for every hand stamped. After finishing each bus, write down how many stamps you gave on the sheet provided and then start your clicker over for the next bus. Staff Badges, Chaperones/Field Access and Bus Driver armbands come from the Registration table in the Director’s Packet. The SCBDA is very strict about tickets, badges, armbands, hand stamps, etc. as it directly translates to their profit for the event. If we’re found at fault, it could keep us from hosting in the future. Keep a tally on the sheet provided of how many stamps were given to students for each band.
Parking Spectator Stadium Lot – 3 Adults
One Adult – Located in the first couple of rows at the front of the Stadium. Keep cars out of the food truck/vendor lane, this is the lane right next to the stadium. Keep cars out of the pit/prop lane, this is the first lane of lined parking spaces. Direct vehicles with Handicap identification to the Handicap parking spaces in the second lane of lined parking spaces.
One Adult – Located before the Registration Table to direct Spectator Parking to the Left and Trucks / Buses to the Right. People may stop and ask questions. Any vehicle hauling Band equipment can park with the Trucks / Buses, but they should be prepared to unload and then move their vehicle if the Bus / Truck Coordinator says there’s not enough room there. Vehicles not hauling anything should move to the Spectator lot. If this lot gets full, Spectators should be directed to the Overflow lots.
One Adult or Student – Located between the first two to direct vehicles into the next available lane.
Know the parking map for dedicated parking areas. Direct vehicles to the correct locations. Keep an eye on empty spaces to direct vehicles to. Know when to close/re-open the lot with signage. Direct vehicles to overflow. Know the map to direct foot traffic to the proper location. Work with Sherriff’s department as needed for road traffic, especially at the end of the night. Keep parking lot clean as you go. Stay for cleanup. Be very careful with signs and pennants for reuse.
Parking Spectator Overflow Teacher Lot – 3 Adults
One Adult – Located at the stop sign at Maria Ln to direct traffic into the Overflow lot.
One Adult – Located at the entrance to the Teacher Parking lot.
One Located at the next available space.
Know the parking map for dedicated parking areas. Keep an eye on empty spaces to direct vehicles to. Know the map to direct foot traffic to the proper location. Work with Sherriff’s department as needed for road traffic, especially at the end of the night. Keep parking lot clean as you go. Stay for cleanup. Be very careful with signs and pennants for reuse.
Vendor Coordinator – 1 Adult – Shanta
Coordinate with Food Trucks & Product Vendors upon arrival. Locate them per the map. Their towing vehicles need to be moved out of the vendor lanes after setup. They can remain close-by but they need to be in a designated spectator space. Make sure they don’t block the handicap ramp with tents/vehicles! This is an on-call position for the whole day.
Band Ushers – Band Leadership 2A – Alumni/Non-Band 4A, 1 per Band, 29 Total These volunteers will be given a tour and information early in the week before the event. Know the map. Know your assigned band’s schedule for the day. Lead your assigned band from location to location. Stay in eye-sight of the director. Help lead them off the field after their performance.
Visitor’s Stairs – 1 Adult
Leave this locked until 10am. Only band students, staff and chaperones with the appropriate stamps, badges or armbands are allowed on these stairs. Either to come up from the lower area after their performance or to go down them to access the visitor’s stand for seating. Be ready to stop anyone from going down these stairs if a band is coming up them after their performance. Bands will be entering the lower area for warm-up and their performance using the wider gates along the practice field length of this fence.
Competition Flow Crew – 10 Adults
One at Warm-up Area A & B. Man Water Station.
One at Warm-up Area C. Man Water Station.
One at the bottom of the Visitor’s Stairs. Pause Students, Staff or Chaperones coming down these stairs if there is a band moving to Holding or a band exiting the lower area after a performance.
Two at the Band Holding Gate. One outside, one inside.
One at the Field Entrance Gate. This person will assist with the Timing & Penalties Judge and has to have the “Official Contest Time”.
One at the 1st Field Exit Gate.
Two at the 2nd Field Exit Gate.
One behind the Field House for Traffic Control.
Know the map and schedule to help keep the competition on time. Remind of time running out during warm-up, if necessary. Work with the ushers to guide them to their next direction. Help the bands get their equipment over difficult areas. Remind bands of their noise level. Warm-up Areas should make sure bands are facing away from the stadium. Those nearest the field and with pit/props need to remind students and equipment movers to mind their noise level. There are lanes of traffic criss-crossing at some points, know the lanes and direct students to the correct side. Bands moving to holding take precedence over bands having just performed or students crossing to the visitor’s stand for seating.
Pit/Props Route – 2 Adults
Know the pit/prop route. One should be at the corner of the Parking Lot and Platt Springs Rd to direct the pit/prop crews out of the parking lot and down the hill and then back up the hill and into the parking lot. One should be on Platt Springs Rd to direct the pit/prop crews down the back lane, then back up that lane and up Platt Springs Rd. This corner should also man the water station.
Water Tables
Warm-up Area A & B – Manned by Flow
Warm-up Area C – Manned by Flow
Band Exit – Separate Parent, not flow
Top of Pit/Prop Route – Manned by Pit/Prop Visitor’s Stairs – Separate Parent, not flow Be ready for when bands come off the field with filled water cups. Keep area clean as you go. Coordinate with Trash/Custodian Team when you need trash removed and new bags. Stay for cleanup and breakdown.
Gym Dressing Rooms – 2 Adults, Lex One Approved, 1 Mom & 1 Dad The gym restrooms will be utilized as dressing rooms. We’ll need a band mom and a band dad on hand in these areas to help keep watch. SCBDA notes these must be monitored at all times.
Stadium Ushers – spectator control during band performances Block off steps when a band is performing. Un-block after band starts moving off the field.
Security All Areas – stadium and parking This position would be best suited for off-duty police in plain clothes or someone with security experience simply for the know-how in handling tough situations. Keep an eye on the crowd and look for potential security issues. Lexington County Sheriff’s Department will be in the stadium and on Platt Springs for the lane closure to be called on in true emergencies. We will also have an EMS team at the field entrance.
Judge Runner – Adults or Non-Band Only
As our band students are being judged at this competition, we are not allowed to discuss any portion of the competition with them. The SCBDA is very strict about this so we must be very, very aware.
Volunteer Runner – Responsible Student Ok On a constantly rotating basis, check in with the Registration Table, Parking Lot Volunteers, Band Usher Tent, Flow Crew in Warm-up, Holding and Exit Areas and Deputies to see if they need food, drink, ice or water re-fill, etc. They’ll need your contact information in case they need something in-between your visits to them. These volunteers won’t be able to leave their posts until their break and may be thirsty and needing you, so stay on task.
Ticket Sales
Sell Tickets! We have to very carefully account for every ticket sold as the actual tickets themselves and the leftover tickets are what determines the check we cut back to the SCBDA. Adults: $10; Students: $6. Spectators will be stamped at the gates for if they leave the stadium.
Stadium Entrance Gate Attendants
Spectators will be given a ticket at the ticket booth. The gate attendants will take their ticket, tear it in half and give half back. To visit the food trucks and re-enter, they’ll have to have their hand stamped, so, if possible, if would be best to go ahead and stamp their hand when you take their ticket. Check everyone entering to make sure they have a hand stamp, armband for chaperones or a badge for band staff.
Program Sales
Sell Programs! One Adult outside the ticket booth selling to people in the ticket line. One Adult or Student just inside the gate. And One Adult or Student moving around inside at the top of the stadium. If programs aren’t selling, especially if it’s late in the day, we may adjust the pricing so let Gayle Senn or Nicole Blas know if they aren’t moving. Know maps and the day’s schedule in case you get questions, especially for the one outside the stadium.
Stadium Sales (Programs/Drinks)
Sell Programs and Bottled Drinks! Two-person teams. One carries drinks stocked from the canteen, one to handle money and hold programs. Move throughout the stadium and ask people to buy programs and drinks.
50-50 Raffle / Wolfgram Table
Take wolfgram messages and sell 50-50 Raffle tickets. Have a designated runner to get the wolfgram message to the announcer. This table will be located just outside the athletics spirit store at the bottom of the press box.
Canteen Workers
Sell drinks, food and snacks! We’re only offering drinks, snacks, pizza and maybe one other item. Keep the canteen clean as you go. Stay at the end for cleanup and breakdown.
Hospitality – Judges, Directors, Volunteers – Sheri & Meg Setup and breakdown help will be included in the pre-comp setup and students will be assigned to you for post competition help. Judges can’t Judges have to be completely separate from directors, volunteers, parents, fans, students, etc. for impartiality reasons. As such, that room will be completely separate from the Director and Volunteer Hospitality rooms.
Trash / Custodian – Stadium & Warm-up Areas Report to Ms. Jan Barker for direction. Trash cleanup throughout the day so there’s less cleanup at the end of the day. Keep an eye on trash containers and empty/re-bag as necessary. Stay for cleanup.