Our band is headed off tomorrow at 2pm for their next contest, a regional Bands of America competition at Wake Forest University Stadium in Winston-Salem NC.
Chaperones and middle-school students, please arrive by 1:15pm. Middle-school students will need to be dropped off–no buses will be sent.
Information packets were handed out at the parent meeting on Tuesday. If you did NOT receive an information packet, contact Tabitha Amick at wkbbactivities@wkhsband.com immediately. Students have to pack for an entire weekend and will be staying at a rustic retreat and conference center some distance from the stadium:
Laurel Ridge Retreat and Conference Center
124 Pendry Drive
Laurel Springs, NC 28644
Here is what they need to pack:
- Appropriate sleepwear
- Sleeping bag or warm bedding for single bed
- Pillow
- Towels & Toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, brush, etc.)
- Flash light
- Tennis shoes
- Band hoodies/jackets
- Extra clothing
Uniform items include:
- Long black socks
- Drill shoes (cleaned!)
- Clean black gloves
- Uniform jacket, bibbers, and gauntlets
- Grey 2014 Show shirt
- Lightweight Shorts for under bibbers
- Girls tank top for under show shirt
- Shako in box
- Wind instrument (must be polished before leaving White Knoll!)
Money they need to bring:
- $7.00 for Sunday breakfast (pay in advance please, checks to WKBB)
- Money for Friday night dinner, Saturday lunch, souvenirs, and incidentals (suggest $25.00 minimum)
Head of Chaperones is requesting that all students wear some sort of White Knoll attire (band polo, hoodie, past show shirt, etc.) during all travel to make it easier to keep track of all the kids. She suggests that they all wear their band polos for the trip up.
This is a lot to carry on the bus, for those students who ride the bus to school. You can either bring their stuff in on Friday morning before school, or bring it Thursday night when you pick them up from practice.
Students are encouraged to carry their pillow and blanket on the bus for the ride up and back. It is a long ride and they can nap and be more comfortable for the trip.
Here is the itinerary for the trip:
Here are directions to the stadium from White Knoll, for those parents and fans planning to travel separately:
White Knoll’s performance is scheduled for 8:30am on Saturday, so plan sufficient time to get there. And let’s make some noise!