Reminder – Parent/Booster meeting; fruit orders due Monday March 2

Good afternoon - The parent/booster meeting will be 
Tuesday March 3, 2015 at 7:00 pm.  Reminder that we 
are hosting the CWEA Winter Ensemble competition on 
Saturday March 7th.  This will be an all day event 
offering a number of opportunities to help for a couple 
of hours or all day.  There are opportunities to sign 
up to work baseball and large concert events. Also,  
Melissa and Brian Comley will be signing out oyster 
roast tickets - this is going to be a fabulous event! 
Thank you to everyone who has paid their winter 
ensemble fees.  However, there are still a number that 
are still outstanding. Please see Bonnie Jett or myself 
after the meeting or email/call us directly to make 
payment arrangements. 
- See everyone Tuesday night. 
REMINDER:  Fruit Orders Are Due tomorrow Monday March 2
Vickie Baker
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