School’s closed – day 2

Just minutes ago I got the word from Lexington School 
District 1 that School is cancelled again tomorrow, 
Tuesday October 6th. This includes all after school 
activities, including Band rehearsal. 
Folks, this is the last thing I wanted to hear, 
as we all know how important rehearsal is to the success 
of the marching band. But more important is the safety 
of our students and families. There are many roads that 
are closed or not safe for travel. Our school is an 
active shelter for those families that have been displaced 
by the storm. Even though the rain has mostly stopped, we 
still have dangerous situation out there. 
I hope everyone is safe and sound. If you need anything, 
please reach out to each other and we will weather this 
storm as the proud band family that we are! 
Assuming Wednesday is back to normal, we will have rehearsal 
beginning at 1, but will extend rehearsal until 7 pm. 
Thursday's rehearsal will be from 4-8 pm. 
Let's get ready for a great BOA performance thus weekend!!! 

--- Mr. Barfield
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