Here are a few helpful reminders for this weekend’s contest at Western Carolina University that will hopefully make your experience an enjoyable one!
WCU has asked me to remind everyone that you will not be able to park with the buses. There will be signs directing you to the spectator parking lots.
Following the Preliminary Awards, they ask that the stadium be completely cleared, as finals is a separate ticket and WCU staff will be cleaning the stadium for a new crowd.
WCU is an Aramark Food vendor. Due to this, there are stringent rules regarding feeding the band on campus. Band parents may leave campus and bring food onto the campus from restaurants but may not have food delivered to campus from outside vendors. Keep in mind, the WCU courtyard-dining hall will be available, so this should alleviate any last minute adjustments per WCU’s food policy. Some bands choose to grill on campus and this is acceptable.
As a reminder, Box 5 Video will be videotaping our performance and Star Fire Media will be taking still photography from the field level. In order to respect their involvement, WCU asks that no video or still photography occur from parents or staff.
The weather should be beautiful for this weekend with highs in the mid 60’s and lows in the high 30’s. It will get chilly at night, so please plan accordingly.
Don’t forget that we will be staying overnight after the contest is completed, at Pisgah HS. Students should remember to bring an airbed, sleeping bag, pillow, etc.
If you plan on taking your child at the end of the contest, please remember to turn in a written note prior to us leaving Saturday morning. You will then be asked to pick up your child by the buses, and sign out with the head chaperone. Per Lexington 1 policy, only the parent of the child may take the child. It is not permissible to release a child to another parent, family member, or friend.
I hope to see everyone in the stands cheering on these hard-working kids! This contest is anticipated and long overdue!
Mr. Barfield