It’s finally here! The 2015 WKHS Band Spring Plant Sale has begun! Order forms were sent home with students 4/1.
Pre-orders are being take from now until April 21st for hibiscus bushes, majesty palms, mandevillas, and ferns.
Orders and money will be due to the silver box in the band room no later than April 22nd.
Plants will be delivered to the high school on Saturday May 2nd from 9:00am until noon. Extra plants will also be available for purchase. A GREAT GIFT IDEA FOR MOTHER’S DAY!!!
This is also a GREAT way to begin to build your student account back up for next marching season since the profit from pre-sales goes directly to student accounts!
If you need another order form, there should be some available in the band room, or you can print and download one here.