Friday Night CWEA Event Set-Up

Friday Night CWEA Event Set-Up
For all those available Friday night to set-up for our Timberwolf CWEA event this weekend, we will be meeting in the band room tomorrow (Friday 3/6) at 4:15 to have a brief game plan discussion before getting started.
For those who cannot make it by 4:15 just come to the gym when you can. There are lots of things we have to do in order to get the school ready for this event so the more the merrier!
If you have any question please feel free to contact me, Leanne Sholly, at or call (803) 917-0657.
Mr. Barfield posted this on Facebook today about volunteering Saturday at CWEA:
Hello! I am reaching out to all Band parents and students, asking you to please sign up to work at the CWEA contest this Saturday. This is a general fundraiser that goes into the band budget. The profit from this event is not targeted for just winter ensemble expenses! The profits go into the general Band account and helps to pay the day to day expenses to run the program. In essence, it helps out every student, and allows us to not have to raise Band and guard fees. Please go to the Charms calendar on the band web site, and sign up! We need everyone to help make this a successful event!
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