1st Annual Mandatory Band Camp Check-In
It is that time of year again!! BAND CAMP! Starting this year we have a new process for ALL parents and students, yes veterans and rookies, yes all band and colorguard! Everyone is required to come to the mandatory band camp check-in. The check-in will be Sunday, July 23rd from 12:30 pm until 4:00 pm.
The forms detailed below will be available at check-in. You may also have already received them via email.
- Registration form for the FY17-18 school year. This form is required to be completed every year. Please make sure all information is complete and accurate. Some students have turned in this form. Some of the forms turned in are not complete and we will ask you to complete them at the check-in. If you are unsure if your child has turned in their registration form, please feel free to email the wkbbtreasurer@gmail.com and we will let you know if we have it already. These forms will be reviewed and turned in at the registration station on check-in day.
- VERY IMPORTANT – Within the registration forms, there is a form for medical information. If your child has medication that must be administered at specific times or if your child has a medical condition, please complete this form as well as notify Mr. Padgett and Mr. Berry by phone or email. It is imperative the band directors and staff are aware of these medical conditions and needs. The medication forms will be turned in at the Chaperone station on check-in day.
- Family and Friends Show Shirt Order form. This is a one-time only pre-order for our 2017 Show Shirt. The pre-order is providing reduced rates for band camp check-in only. If you do not pre-order your show shirt, you will be able to purchase a show shirt at the spirit store, however it will be at the regular price, not the pre-order price. Your student has already been sized or will be sized at the check-in for their band outfit needs. One short sleeved shirt will be provided to them. The form attached is for you, your family and friends to place an order in advance for a reduced rate. These forms along with payment will be turned in at the Spirit Store station on check-in day. We will accept cash, check or credit card payment. Charms credits cannot be utilized for payment of show shirts or other spirit store items. There will be a flash sale of spirit store items as well during the check-in.
- Band parent volunteer form. Participation in this program is crucial for its success. We need your support. We understand everyone’s schedule is different and there are many ways parents can help. This form will be turned in at the fundraiser station on check-in day.
We will have stations for registration, treasurer, chaperone/medication forms, uniforms, spirit store, fundraising and concessions, hospitality and equipment. Please stop by each station and check with each booster parent. Each station can offer information about the coming year.
New for this year, the band students will be getting new polos. Please stop by the uniforms table to see the new student polo. The pricing for the polo shirts are small to x-large – 23.00, 2X – 24.00 and 3X – 26.00. These polos are only for the band students. The color guard students do not get a polo shirt as they have the bling shirt. The uniform coordinators will be taking payments for the new polos.
We are asking for donations of the following from parents as well. We would welcome them being brought in the day of band camp check-in as well as throughout the year.
- Cases of bottled water
- Large cans of Powdered Gatorade (any color EXCEPT blue)
- Packs of black crew socks
- Rolls of black electrical tape
- Rolls of white electrical tape
Also for the two weeks of band camp, we are asking for donations of fresh fruit that has been cut and frozen the night before. Excellent fruit to prepare and freeze would be grapes, watermelon, oranges, and pineapple. Please wash and cut the items into bite size pieces, place them into a Ziploc bag and freeze them the night before. You can send it with your child the morning of your donation day for them to give to the chaperones. The entire band will have this at a morning break for water and fruit. Please only use fresh fruit. Please see the chaperone table at check-in to sign up for a day to donate.
“Band Camp Survival Tips” – Please read the information below as it will provide helpful tips and hints for the success of band camp for you and your child. Please do not hesitate to ask questions!
We look forward to seeing you at Band Camp Check-In!
Maintaining Your Health in Marching Band
Marching band is a great musical, social, and athletic activity. The following suggestions will help you stay healthy during band camp. Remember to bring the items on the band camp check list. They are:
- 1 gallon insulated water jug filled with water and ice – this MUST be at every rehearsal that takes place on the field the entire marching season, may purchase at Walmart, Academy Sports, Home Depot, Lowes
- Sunscreen and bug spray – These are essentials when we are out on the band practice field
- Hat, visor, sunglasses – To help keep the sun out of your eyes
- Chapstick
- Deodorant
- Medications needed such as inhalers, contact solution, ibuprofen, etc – make sure to include a medication form for all medications and inform Mr. Padgett and Mr. Berry if there are medications to be taken at a specific time
- Band bag/Guard bag to keep your items
- Gloves
- Band instrument with supplies (mouthpiece, reeds, oils, etc – all items to make your equipment work properly – woodwinds should have at least 3-5 good reeds on hand)
- Electrical Tape: Black – band, White – guard
- Tennis Shoes – No flip flops, clogs, crocs, sandals, basketball shoes or other footwear – make sure to wear in your tennis shoes if they are new before band camp starts
- Guard flag bag with equipment
- Bag lunch – students will not be allowed to leave for lunch
- Towel to sit on grass when needed during stretching
- Extra set of clothes in bag in case of emergency
Heat and Sun Protection – VERY Important
During band camp, you will be out in the sun for several hours at a time. Even if the forecast differs, prepare for each day as though it is going to be sunny and 95-100 degrees outside. Be aware of cloudy days, because you can still burn. Dress comfortably and appropriately. Since band camp takes place mostly outside in the sun, you will want to wear shorts and a light-colored t-shirt or tank top, unless otherwise specified by your section leader, Mr. Padgett or Mr. Berry. Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen should protect from both UVA and UVB rays. Check the label! Reapply multiple times throughout the day. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Make sure your sunglasses also provide UV protection. Even though you are wearing light-colored clothing, it is best to put sunscreen on underneath your clothes as well. Don’t forget the backs of your hands, your ears, or your lips when applying sunblock (many lip protectants also contain sunscreen). Sunscreen will prevent burning! Remember band camp and sunburns are not a great mix!! Remember to reapply every 2 hours or so. Wear chapstick that protects against the sun. Sunburned lips are not fun to play an instrument with, especially for brass players. Bring a change of clothes just in case! You never know if you might slip in the mud, get sweaty or just get uncomfortable. Also bring deodorant to apply as needed throughout the day.
You will be on your feet for many hours at a time during the next several months. You must have proper footwear in order to be comfortable and avoid injury. A good pair of sneakers or tennis shoes is essential for participation in marching band. Sandals, flip-flops, basketball shoes, crocs or boots are not appropriate for this activity.
Many people can overheat during band camp. If you start to feel fatigued, dizzy, nausea, you may be suffering from heat exhaustion. Tell a section leader, drum major, or staff member immediately. They will access you and get you to sit in some shade and get some water if they think this is happening to you. Take care of yourself. You will perform better and feel better if you take care of your body. While marching band is technically considered an art, it is more rigorous than many sports.
Make sure you prepare by getting fluids in BEFORE heading outside. Be sure to drink a full glass of water 20-30 minutes before you go out into the heat. Bring an insulated gallon water jug filled with ice and water with you during band camp. Drink every time you are given a break, even if you do not think you need it. Do not wait for your body to tell you you are thirsty. If you are thirsty, it means you are already heading to dehydration. Water is the best thing to drink at every meal as well during band camp. Avoid caffeine and soft drinks. Sports drinks contain artificial colors and sweeteners. Use these in moderation, if you sweat a lot as it will replace some salts. Juices which are free of artificial sweeteners and skim milk are other options as well; however, water is really the best option. Avoid drinking milk or eating dairy products just before camp. Dairy will take a while to fully digest and you could become nauseous.
There will be water coolers brought down to the field as well as coolers with Gatorade. Making sure you are hydrated is a necessity. Make sure your urine stays a light yellow color. If it gets darker, you are not getting enough fluids.
Marching band is a physical activity, and there are some long days during band camp. Eating right is just as important as getting enough fluids. Protein and carbohydrates are your friends and that starts with a good breakfast. While you may not be running a marathon, you should still eat like an athlete! Keep the following in mind when you make your breakfast plans.
GOOD options for breakfast:
- Carbohydrates: Oatmeal, bagels, low-sugar cereal, whole grain bread, fruits
- Protein: Eggs, peanut butter, yogurt, lean meat (such as Canadian bacon or turkey bacon), protein drink
BAD options for breakfast:
- Carbohydrates: Pop Tarts, doughnuts, sugary cereal, candy bars
- Protein: Fast food breakfast sandwiches, high fat meat (such as real bacon or sausage), gravy
DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST! Without breakfast, your blood glucose levels will drop, causing fatigue, lack of focus, and a general “blah” feeling. Combined with the increased activity level and time in the sun, this can even lead to fainting or worse problems. Have some protein bars and fruit on hand as a backup in case you miss breakfast for some reason.
Remember to bring lunch every day!! The same tips about nutrition go throughout the day. Avoid high-fat and high-sugar items, and make sure you get a good mix of carbohydrates and protein. Do not avoid fat altogether, though, as your body does use it for fuel.
What to Expect At Band Camp
Expect to work and work hard. Expect to be pushed towards excellence by the directors, your peers and yourself. Expect to make friends! Expect to grow and get stronger every minute as you develop personal poise and performance skills you will draw upon in the future. Expect excellence in everything you do. Expect to learn the majority of this year’s show, and expect to be proud of the hard work you will put into making WKHS band one of the best! Expect that when you graduate, you will be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the best organization at WKHS.
Get some rest. Band camp can be strenuous, and it is easier if you are well rested.
Be on time! Timely arrivals show you want to make a commitment to the program and will save your section from having to run laps, or being otherwise reprimanded by staff. Remember: In band, being early is on time, being on time is late, and being late means running laps. Also, being on time or early gets rehearsal to start (and end) on time. You do not want to be the person that makes rehearsal end later. Warm up and stretch before rehearsal.
Ask your section leader or staff if you are not sure about something. Try your hardest. “When in doubt, play out.” Never be afraid to ask questions or for help! The success of the band depends on every member being confident in his or her performance. Be optimistic. Complaining is extremely annoying and unhelpful. If there is a problem, please bring it to your section leader and also try to provide a possible solution. Positive attitude and being helpful makes for a great team.
Be respectful and courteous towards band directors and assistants. Do not talk when the band director, staff, drum major, or section leaders are talking. It will distract people around you from what they are saying, which could be very important. If you need help finding your drill spot, quietly raise your hand and someone will gladly help you. Learn the show. Now is the time to practice. Learn your formations, work, music, rhythms, etc. Remember that everyone is at band camp to learn. If you’re a newcomer, do not take it personally when an instructor gives advice. Remember, they are trying to help you look better in performance. If you are a returning member, help out newcomers and be patient with them. You learned once, too.
The ground is not going anywhere. If you stare at the ground for the entirety of band camp, you will learn next to nothing and spend the rest of the season playing catch-up. Trust yourself and your neighbors. Remember – ask questions if you do not know.
Talk to people outside of your section. You are with other musicians, and band students tend to be accepting. Besides, you might find a really good group of friends.
Be considerate of chaperons. They are there on their own time, often using vacation time. Chaperones assist the band director. They are not there to pick up after you.
Be respectful and courteous to other sections and band members. Do not bad-mouth or try to correct the other sections. If there is a correction to be made, the band directors and staff will make it. As a marching band, remember, you have to work as a team. If something goes wrong in one section and you talk badly of it, not only does it reflect badly on you, but will also reflect badly on the band as a whole. Keep your negativity to yourself. Remember if you work together as a team with a positive mindset, you are sure to thrive together and you will learn something great along the way! Stay positive and upbeat! It will show in your performances.