At the Parent meeting in May, you received the Parent Handbook and Registration packet. If you haven’t turned in the registration form, please do so as soon as possible! We need these forms to take care of your child while they participate in band activities. Here are links to the Parent Handbook and Registration packet:
Medication Permission Form
Every student is required to turn in a medical release form.
We are under Lexington County School District 1 Medication Policy when administering medication. A Medication Permission Form is required for us to administer any medications (over-the-counter or prescription). Prescription medications require a note from the doctor. OTC medications require a form, but no note from the doctor.
If your child needs medication at school and at band events, submit one form to the WKHS office and a separate form to the head chaperone of our bands.
White Knoll Band Boosters and White Knoll High School personnel are NOT allowed to administer prescription medication UNLESS it is explicitly directed by the student’s physician.
You can now sign up to chaperone the competitions and parades. To chaperone you need to complete and turn in these chaperone forms:
Volunteer Background Check – this is for day trips with the band
Volunteer Consent Form – this is for overnight trips with the band
Also, take your drivers license with you because they’ll need to scan it. This is Lexington One policy.
Thank you!!